House Health and Human Services Committee Hears from IG and Mental Health Updates Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee heard from the Medicaid inspector general, the Association of Community Mental Health Centers of Kansas, Johnson County Mental Health Center, Four County Mental Health Center, Kansas Behavioral Health Center of Excellence, Friends University and Kansas Health Science University.
Introduction of Bills SB 174, SB 177, SB 181, SB 182, SB 183, SB 189, SB196, SB 198, SB 207, SB 212, SB 216, SB 218, SB 219, HB 2223, HB 2230, HB 2236, HB 2239, HB 2240, HB 2244, HB 2245, HB 2246, HB 2247, HB 2248, HB 2249, HB 2250, HB 2251, HB 2266, HB 2267, HB 2274, HB 2280, HB 2284, HB 2286, HB 2287, HB 2294, HB 2296, HB 2301, HB 2305 and HB 2307
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