President and CEO (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 127 caustin@kha-net.org
Senior Vice President Clinical and Strategic Initiatives (785) 233-7436, Ext. 130 kbraman@kha-net.org
Director Workforce and Health Care Policy (785) 233-7436, Ext. 111 jcaffrey@kha-net.org
Senior Program Manager Database and Technology (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 122 ccarson@kha-net.org
Senior Director Accounting and Human Resources (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 115 lconaway@kha-net.org
Senior Administrative Professional (785) 233-7436, Ext. 109 ldean@kha-net.org
Vice President, Medicaid and Legal Affairs (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 116 adunkel@kha-net.org
Administrative Professional (785) 233-7436, Ext. 100 sfangman@kha-net.org
Senior Program Manager Communications (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 121 jfenwick@kha-net.org
Director Education (785) 233-7436, Ext. 101 hfinch@kha-net.org
Vice President Education and Special Projects (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 126 jfindley@kha-net.org
Vice President Health Care Finance and Reimbursement (785) 233-7436, Ext. 132 sflach@kha-net.org
Director Corporate Relations (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 129 thagen@kha-net.org
Program Manager Healthworks (785) 233-7436, Ext. 119 sholmes@kha-net.org
Senior Administrative Professional (785) 233-7436, Ext. 110 dlewis@kha-net.org
Vice President State Legislative Relations (785) 233-7436, Ext. 124 tmays@kha-net.org
Program Manager QHi (785) 233-7436, Ext. 104 smoore@kha-net.org
Program Manager Accounting (785) 233-7436, Ext. 102 vnelson@kha-net.org
Vice President, Data and Strategic Analytics (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 118 sothmer@kha-net.org
Senior Vice President and CFO (785) 233-7436 - Ext. 112 spoage@kha-net.org
Senior Vice President Member and Public Relations (785) 233-7436, Ext. 117 csamuelson@kha-net.org
Director Communications (785) 233-7436, Ext. 131 sstacy@kha-net.org
Director Regulatory Affairs and Preparedness (785) 233-7436, Ext. 103 lvanderwege@kha-net.org
Program Manager Education (785) 233-7436, Ext. 123 mwilley@kha-net.org