 HIPAA and Social Media - Case Scenerios - Q and A.pdf
Polling slides and questions and answers from HIPAA and Social Media Webinar on July 21, 2015.
 HIPAA and Social Media - Background.pdf
Slides from July 21, 2015 webinar on HIPAA and Social Media.
 AHA Guide to Digital and Social Media.pdf
American Hospital Association, 2015
 Template Consent Form.doc
Template consent form for photographs, videos, interviews, etc.
 Social Networking Policy CLEAN COPY Jan. 21 2010.doc
This sample Social Networking Policy is from Lawrence Memorial Hospital.
 May 4 Noon Briefing Social Media.ppt
This PowerPoint is from the May 4, 2010 KHA Noon Briefing on Hospitals and Social Media: Risks and Rewards.
 May 4 Noon Briefing Social Media.pdf
This PDF is from the May 4, 2010 KHA Noon Briefing on Hospitals and Social Media: Risks and Rewards.