Health Information Exchange
Sally Othmer
Sally Othmer
Vice President Data and Strategic Analytics

Health Information Exchange - HIE

The primary goal of health information exchange is to enable health care stakeholders to share data for coordinating patient care and to support public entities in achieving their population health goals. More specifically, this process will enable stakeholders to focus on developing medical homes for Kansans and on utilizing the chronic care model to address identified disease conditions.
Kansas Department of Health & Environment

Kansas Health Information Technology Exchange Act

The Kansas Health Information Technology and Exchange Act harmonizes Kansas health information laws with federal HIPAA privacy and security rules in preparation for the exchange of confidential clinical information contained in electronic health records. The proposal eliminates a significant barrier to the broad use of technological advancements supporting the appropriate and secure collection, use and exchange of protected health information. The Act will greatly assist the Kansas Health Information Exchange, Inc., which is charged with overseeing the development of a statewide health information exchange. Concerns about conflicting state and federal privacy laws would have been a major barrier for physicians and hospitals otherwise interested in joining the information exchange.

KDHE Office of Health Information Technology (KanHIT)

Consumer and provider resources for participation in Health Information Exchange may be found on the website. Educational brochures, required public notices and consumer preferences are available for viewing and download.

Local Initiatives

The Kansas Health Information Network is a collaboration of KHA and KMS to provide a common technology platform for all Kansas and Western Missouri providers.

Lewis and Clark Information Exchange (LACIE) ( is a nonprofit organization serving hospitals and providers in NW Missouri, NE Kansas and SW Nebraska.