The Kansas Hospital Association conducts an annual compensation and benefits survey for KHA members. Participation is required to view the survey results. Contact Jaron Caffrey for more information jcaffrey@kha-net.org
QHi is an enterprise wide benchmarking program that enables hospitals and clinics to collect, track, trend, and benchmark monthly data in real time. Workforce metrics include: staff turnover, nursing staff turnover, nurse assistant turnover, contract/agency travel staffing, and more. Available at no cost to Kansas hospitals.
Statewide information including the Kansas Labor Information Center database that allows labor market data searches by state, county or geographic areas.
All reports published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professionals including health care worker projections, usage of scholarships and loan repayment programs, and much more.
AACN reports statistics on baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral nursing programs, including admissions, graduations, and faculty demographics.
An updated report from the Association of American Medical Colleges projects an estimated shortage of between 13,550-86,000 physicians by 2036 across the country and recommends expansion of Graduate Medical Education (GME) positions to meet the needs of our communities. Published March 2024.
Prepared Feb. 1, 2011. Updates are available at www.kumc.edu