2025 HC Career Fair Flyer.pdf
Join us on January 30, 2025 - 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Flyer updated 12-4-24.
2025 K12 Engagement Ideas - Virtual Health Care Career Day.pdf
Review this document to brainstorm opportunities for how your hospital can interact with local students interested in health care careers during the 2025 Virtual Health Care Career Day on 1/30/2025.
2025 Kansas Virtual Health Care Career Day - Sponsorship Opportunities.pdf
Sponsorship of this statewide, virtual event offers universities, community and technical colleges, hospitals and health care facilities, health foundations, and other businesses seeking an audience of 3,000+ health-career focused students or educators the opportunity to raise their brand awareness among the students, educators, career counselors, and members of the public expected to attend.
AHEC Health Career Promotion Events 2023.pdf
KU Area Health Education Centers - Health Career Promotion Events - Women in Health Care - Night at the Lab - Pathways to Health Care - And More
KBOR Financial Aid Programs.pdf
The Kansas Board of Regents - Financial aid Programs - presentation
KU Pre-Pharmacy Worksheet (2023).pdf
KU School of Pharmacy - Pre-Pharmacy Worksheet (2023)
KU School of Pharmacy RxCamp23.pdf
One-day and two-day hands-on camps in June 2023.
HOSA Info flyer 2023.pdf
HOSA Information - Kansas
Health Science KSDE Pathways and HOSA.pdf
Kansas State Department of Education - Health Science Pathways and HOSA