Capitol Comments Articles
Budget Committees Hear Update on Kansas Fights Addictions Grants

Budget 2 (Jan. 21, 2025) – Today, Pat George, chair of the Kansas Fights Addiction Board, reported to the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Ways and Means Committees the history of where its funds originated and the enactment of legislation.

George noted that 75 percent of the funds go to the board, and 25 percent go to cities and counties to receive the funds. George projected that over 18 years, Kansas will receive approximately $350 million. To date, Kansas has received roughly $115 million. The board has allocated $1.5 million to K.U. Research Group will provide a comprehensive needs assessment. Twenty-four million dollars in 135 grants have been awarded to 85 organizations. Geroge reported they are creating a strategic plan to help with allocation.

The committee asked if early grantees could reapply, and George indicated they could. George suggested that the board encourage people to work together to seek grants. Committee members asked if the board is considering new programs and investments in existing programs related to homelessness. George indicated that a needs assessment could be helpful in this area. The committee asked about the contract with The Sunflower Foundation, and the attorney general's staff provided parameters around the contracts and how they measure outcomes.

The House Appropriations Committee, chaired by Representative Troy Waymaster (R-Bunker Hill), also heard a report out on the following agency budgets: Kansas Behavioral Science Regulatory Board and Kansas State Board of Healing Arts.