(March 6, 2025) – House Bill 2250 allows an increase in the provider assessment of up to 6 percent and allows some Critical Access Hospitals to participate in the program. Today, Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee, chaired by Will Carpenter (R-El Dorado), added the contents of House Bill 2250 into House Sub for Senate Bill 126. House Sub for Senate Bill 126, formerly the Physician Assistant Compact Bill, will now include the following bills in addition to House Bill 2250.
- House Bill 2386 updates income eligibility requirements for the Kansas Children's Health Insurance Program
- House Bill 2397 increases state financial assistance for local health departments under certain circumstances
- House Bill 2399 establishes an advance universal newborn screening program, provides for the reimbursement of certain treatment services and increases the transfer of moneys to the Kansas Newborn Screening Fund. The committee amended the language to allow mid-level practitioners to be able to oversee newborn screenings.
The committee recommended that House Substitute for SB 126, as amended above, be passed. The original contents of SB 126, dealing with the Physician Assistant Compact, will still be alive as other bills move through the process.
The committee also held a hearing on Senate Bill 175. The legislation updates the definition of athletic trainer and provides an exemption for those licensed in another state, territory or foreign country to practice in Kansas. The committee proceeded to recommend the bill favorably for passage.
The committee also worked House Bill 2236. It establishes the Mental Health Intervention Team Program within the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services in state statute and provides incentives for coordination between school districts, qualified schools and mental health intervention team providers.
The committee will meet again on Friday, March 7.