(Feb. 17, 2025) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee, chaired by Representative Will Carpenter (R-El Dorado), held a hearing on the following:
House Bill 2365 establishes the South Central Regional Mental Health Hospital
- Scott Brunner, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
- Amy Campbell, Kansas Mental Health Association
- Jeff Easter, Kansas Sheriff's Association
The committee amended House Bill 2365 as suggested by KDADS. The bill now goes to the full House for further debate and review.
House Bill 2316 directs the deposit of civil penalties collected for violations of correction orders issued by the state fire marshal into the Disability Community Services Providers' Civil Monetary Penalty Reinvestment Fund or the Adult Care Homes' Civil Monetary Penalty Reinvestment Fund
- Lacey Hunter, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
- Kylee Childs, LeadingAge Kansas
- Jennifer Sourk with Midwest Health
House Bill 2368 provides for the licensure of anesthesiologist assistants
- Rachelle Colombo, Kansas Medical Society
- Spencer Jones, Kansas Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants
- Matthew Pinegar, MD, Private Citizen
- Chuck Hufstetler, Georgia State Senate
- Kathy Perryman, MD, Private Citizen
- Ashley Eichelberger, Private Citizen
- Courtney Znamenacek, Private Citizen
- Daniel Wikiera, Private Citizen
- Ann Kancel, DO, Private Citizen
- Chris Gipson, MD, Private Citizen
- Daren Wilson, MD, Liberty Hospital
- Kacey Chau, MD, Private Citizen
- Neal Campbell, MD, Private Citizen
- Omar Nunez, MD, Private Citizen
- Rajiv Chhabra, University of Missouri Kansas City
- Sean Bonanni, MD, Private Citizen
- Todd Glenski, MD, Missouri Society of Anesthesiologists
- Henson Sullivan, Private Citizen
- Jenny Nolan, Private Citizen
- Landon Streed, Private Citizen
- Mason Spellmeier, Private Citizen
- Olvia Woodruff, Private Citizen
- Rachel Luptak Bayer, Private Citizen
- Ty Townsend, Private Citizen
- Tyler Werth, Private Citizen
- Jeremy Salsbury, Private Citizen
- Donna Nyght, Private Citizen
- Kaitlin Adair, Private Citizen
- Sonia Slaba, Private Citizen
- Susan Hofman, Private Citizen
Neutral testimony:
- Susan Giles, Kansas State Board of Healing Arts