House Health and Human Services Holds Hearings on Bills Including Provider Assessment
(March 5, 2025) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee, chaired by Representative Will Carpenter (R-El Dorado), held a hearing on the provider assessment bill. House Bill 2250 allows the provider assessment to be increased up to 6 percent and allows certain additional Critical Access Hospitals to participate. Proponent testimony was provided by Audrey Dunkel with the Kansas Hospital Association.
The committee also held hearings on the following bills:
- House Bill 2386 updates income eligibility requirements for the state Children's Health Insurance Program
- Senate Bill 126 enacts the Physician Assistance Licensure Compact
- House Bill 2397 increases state financial assistance for local health departments under certain circumstances
- House Bill 2399 establishes an advance universal newborn screening program, provides for the reimbursement of certain treatment services and increases the transfer of moneys to the Kansas Newborn Screening Fund.
The committee will plan to work these bills tomorrow.
The committee worked Senate Bill 88, requiring the state long-term care ombudsman and regional ombudsman to receive training in memory care, recommending it favorably for passage.
The committee will meet again on Thursday, March 6.