Capitol Comments Articles
Insurance Conference Committee Completes Work

Kansas Statehouse (March 25, 2025) – Today, the House and Senate Insurance Conference Committees met and agreed to two conference committee reports.

The first includes the following bills:

  • House Bill 2334: Updating certain terms, conditions and definitions to the Captive Insurance Act, provides for provisional certificates of authority, incorporated cell insurance companies and protected cell captive insurance companies
  • Senate Bill 121 authorizing the commissioner of insurance to select and announce the version of certain instructions, calculations and documents in effect for the upcoming calendar year and causes such announcement to be published in the Kansas Register, allows certain life insurers to follow health financial reports and adopt certain provisions from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners Holding Company System Regulatory Act that relates to group capital calculations and liquidity stress testing
  • Senate Bill 28 updates public adjuster and insurance agent statutes pertaining to suspension, revocation, denial of licensure and licensure renewal
  • House Bill 2046 authorizes insurers to file certain travel insurance policies under the accident and health line of insurance
  • Senate Bill 32 reduces insurance company premium tax rates and discontinues remittance and credits of a portion of the premium tax to the Insurance Department Service Regulation Fund

The second includes the following bills:

  • Senate Bill 42 provides for the establishment of an online insurance verification system for the verification of evidence of motor vehicle liability insurance
  • Senate Bill 23 requires agents and insurers to respond to inquiries from the commissioner of insurance within 14 calendar days and authorizes certain rebate pilot programs to exceed one year in duration
  • Senate Bill 27 eliminates the requirement that the commissioner submit certain reports to the governor and removes certain specific entities from the definition of person to enforce insurance law
  • House Bill 2042 requires title agents to make their audit reports available for inspection instead of submitting such reports annually, requires the amount of surety bonds filed with the commissioner of insurance to be $100,000, eliminates the controlled business exemption in certain counties
  • House Bill 2044 requires that third-party administrators maintain separate fiduciary accounts for individual payors and not contain funds collected or held on behalf of multiple payors and disclose to the commissioner of insurance any bankruptcy petition filed by or on behalf of such administrator

No further committee meetings have been set.