(Jan. 15, 2025) – Senate Bill 5 by Committee on Federal and State Affairs – Concerning elections; relating to the transparency in revenues underwriting elections act; prohibiting the use of funds provided by the United States government for the conduct of elections and election-related activities unless approved by the legislature
Senate Bill 11 by Committee on Utilities – Concerning emergency communication services; relating to the state 911 board and public safety answering points; requiring the state 911 board to establish minimum training requirements for 911 telecommunicators to receive 911 telecommunicator-cardiopulmonary resuscitation training and continuous education in telecommunication cardiopulmonary resuscitation
House Bill 2009 by Representatives Fairchild, Hill, Poetter Parshall, Rhiley, Schwertfeger and Seiwert – Concerning abortion; prohibiting abortion procedures except when necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman; providing a private cause of action for civil enforcement of such prohibition
House Bill 2010 by Representatives Fairchild, Poetter Parshall, Rhiley, Schwertfeger and Seiwert – Concerning abortion; prohibiting abortion; creating the crimes of unlawful performance of an abortion and unlawful destruction of a fertilized embryo and establishing penalties therefor; restricting the use of fetal tissue; relating to exclusions from sales and use tax exemptions for certain abortion providers