Capitol Comments Articles
Next Week's Schedule

Schedule (Feb. 28, 2025) – Next week, committees will continue hearing and working on bills exempt from legislative deadlines and legislation from the other chamber. The Senate Ways and Means Committees will intensify their efforts on budget items. In contrast, having finalized its budget, the House will begin reviewing items requested for a more in-depth analysis by legislative committee members. It will be a busy week with extensive committee work and Capitol activities.

Monday, March 3
House Legislative Modernization – 9:00 a.m. – Room 218N
Hearing: Senate Bill 77 – Requiring state agencies to provide notice of revocation of administrative rules and regulations to the public and removing abolished and inactive state agencies from the agency review requirement

House Health and Human Services – 1:30 p.m. – Room 112N
Hearing: Senate Bill 82 – Requiring the secretary for the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services to grant physical environment waivers for certain rural emergency hospitals to provide skilled nursing facility care
Hearing: Senate Bill 88 – Requiring the state long-term care ombudsman and regional ombudsman to receive training in memory care
Hearing: Sub for Senate Bill 193 – by Committee on Public Health and Welfare – Exempting law enforcement agencies that do not provide emergency opioid antagonists pursuant to the statewide protocol from the requirement to procure a physician medical director
Final action: House Bill 2159 – Creating the emergency opioid antagonists assistance grant fund to provide emergency opioid antagonists to law enforcement agencies and removing law enforcement from the Kansas Board of Pharmacy's statewide opioid antagonist protocol

House Insurance – 3:30 p.m. – Room 218N
Hearing: Senate Bill 23 – Requiring agents and insurers to respond to inquiries from the commissioner of insurance within 14 calendar days and authorizing certain rebate pilot programs to exceed one year in duration
Hearing: Senate Bill 27 – Eliminating the requirement that the commissioner submit certain reports to the governor and removing certain specific entities from the definition of person for the purpose of enforcing insurance law

Tuesday, March 4
Senate Public Health and Welfare – 8:30 am – Room 142S
Hearing: House Bill 2069 – Enacting the School Psychologist Licensure Compact to provide interstate practice privileges for school psychologists
Hearing: House Bill 2070 – Enacting the Dietitian Licensure Compact to provide interstate practice privileges for dietitians
Final action: House Bill 2039 – Amending definitions in the Kansas Credentialing Act to provide that certain entities providing physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology are not home health agencies
Final action: House Bill 2068 – Enacting the Cosmetology Compact to provide interstate practice privileges

Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance – 9:30 a.m. – Room 546S
Hearing: House Bill 2333 – Renaming the Kansas Insurance Department as the Kansas Department of Insurance, the Office of the Securities Commissioner of Kansas as the Department of Insurance, securities division, the securities commissioner as the Department of Insurance assistant commissioner, securities sivision and eliminating the requirement that the Senate confirm the Department of Insurance assistant commissioner, securities division appointees

Senate Federal and State Affairs – 10:30 a.m. – Room 144S
Hearing: Senate Bill 177 – Increasing the limits on certain campaign contributions under the Campaign Finance Act, providing for automatic increases to such limits based on the consumer price index and eliminating such limits on contributions to party committees

Senate Commerce – 10:30 a.m. – Room 546S
Hearing: House Bill 2117 – Modifying certain business filing and fee requirements for business trusts, foreign corporations and limited partnerships; authorizing professional corporations or limited liability companies formed or organized to render a professional service to participate in transactions under the Business Entity Transactions Act; and making certain information provided by registered agents a public record

Senate Ways and Means –10:30 a.m. – Room 548S
Budget hearing: Kansas Department of Administration, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, State Hospitals

House Health and Human Services – 1:30 p.m. – Room 112N
Hearing: House Bill 2236  Establishing the Mental Health Intervention Team Program in the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services in the state statute and providing incentives for coordination between school districts, qualified schools and mental health intervention team providers

House Welfare Reform – 1:30 p.m. – Room 152S
Presentation: Medicaid Finances  Megan Leopold, managing fiscal analyst, Kansas Legislative Research Department

Wednesday, March 5
Senate Public Health and Welfare – 8:30 a.m. – Room 142S
Confirmation hearing: Donald Hall, University of Kansas Hospital Authority
Hearing: House Bill 2284 – Directing the Kansas Department of Administration to adopt written policies governing the negotiated procurement of managed care organizations to provide state Medicaid services pursuant to a contract with the Kansas Program of Medical Assistance
Final action: House Bill 2027 – Reorganizing subsections of the Public Assistance Statute 
Final action: House Bill 2069 – Enacting the School Psychologist Licensure Compact to provide interstate practice privileges for school psychologists
Final action: House Bill 2070 – Enacting the Dietitian Licensure Compact to provide interstate practice privileges for dietitians

Senate Judiciary – 10:30 a.m. – Room 346S
Hearing: House Bill 2359 – Enacting the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act and the Uniform Guardianship, Conservatorship and Other Protective Arrangements Act

Senate Ways and Means – 10:30 a.m. – Room 548S
Budget hearing: Kansas Department for Children and Families, Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Health

House Appropriations – 9:00 a.m. Room 112N
Hearing: Senate Bill 14 – Providing for continuous state budgets until amended, lapsed or eliminated by the legislature, temporary reallocations and establishing conditions and limitations
Informational briefing: Nursing program, nursing staff at public hospitals, contract nursing, nursing shortages for the intellectual development disability and nursing home populations

House Financial Institutions and Pensions (Mon-Wed) – 9:00 a.m. – Room 582N
Presentation: Kansas Department of Insurance  Vicki Schmidt, Insurance Commissioner

House Commerce, Labor and Economic Development – 1:30 p.m. – Room 346S
Hearing: House Bill 2392 – Facilitating nursing workforce development by setting maximum education levels for instructors at nursing schools as a requirement for state approval

House Education – 1:30 p.m. – Room 218N
Hearing: Senate Bill 44 – Expanding the postsecondary educational institutions eligible to participate in the Kansas Promise Scholarship Program

House Health and Human Services – 1:30 p.m. – Room 112N
Hearing: Senate Bill 126 – Enacting the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact to provide interstate practice privileges for physician assistants
Hearing: House Bill 2250 – Increasing the annual assessment rate on hospital providers.
Hearing: House Bill 2386 – Updating income eligibility requirements for the Kansas Children's Health Insurance Program

Thursday, March 6
Senate Public Health and Welfare – 8:30 a.m. – Room 142S
Hearing: Senate Bill 276 – Removing the state fire marshal from the Adult Care Home Licensure Act and the Providers of Disability Services Act and requiring the state fire marshal to complete training in person-centered care and responding to individuals with Alzheimer's disease and intellectual and developmental disabilities
Hearing: House Bill 2170 – Designating the first full week of February as Kansas Burn Awareness Week
Hearing: House Bill 2307 – Transferring the power to authorize and oversee certain activities regarding prenatal and postnatal diagnosed conditions awareness programs from the Kansas Department of Health and environment to the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities
Final action: House Bill 2075 – Requiring that a permanency hearing for a child in custody of the secretary be held within nine months from such child's removal from the home
Final action: House Bill 2284 – Directing the Kansas Department of Administration to adopt written policies governing the negotiated procurement of managed care organizations to provide state Medicaid services pursuant to a contract with the Kansas Program of Medical Assistance

Senate Assessment and Taxation – 9:30 a.m. – Room 548S
Hearing: Senate Bill 280 – Requiring the approval by a majority of electors voting at an election in order for the governing body of any taxing entity to increase its total amount of property tax to be levied by more than the annual rate of inflation

Hearing: House Bill 2125 – Providing countywide retailers' sales tax authority for Pawnee County for the purpose of health care services and furnishing and equipping county-supported public safety operations

Senate Judiciary – 10:30 a.m. – Room 346S
Hearing: House Concurrent Resolution 5008 – Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for legislative oversight of rules and regulations adopted by executive branch agencies and officials

Senate Ways and Means – 10:30 a.m. – Room 548S
Budget hearing: Kansas Office of Veterans Services, Kansas Bureau of Investigation, Kansas State Fire Marshal

House Health and Human Services – 1:30 p.m. – Room 112N
Hearing: Senate Bill 175 – Updating the definition of athletic trainer and providing an exemption for those licensed in another state, District of Columbia, territory or foreign country to practice in Kansas

Friday, March 7
House Health and Human Services – 1:30 p.m. – Room 112N
Hearing: Sub for Senate Bill 29 by the Committee on Public Health and Welfare: Removing the authority of the county or joint board of health or local health officer to prohibit public gatherings when necessary for the control of infectious or contagious disease
Hearing: Sub for Senate Bill 67 by the Committee on Public Health and Welfare – Authorizing registered nurse anesthetists to prescribe, procure and administer drugs consistent with the registered nurse anesthetist's education and qualifications
Hearing: Senate Bill 250 – Enacting the Right to Try for Individualized Treatments Act to permit a manufacturer to make an individualized investigative treatment available to a requesting patient