(March 14, 2025) – Next week, committees will finalize work before them on Monday and Tuesday. The House and Senate will be working on bills on the respective chamber floors all day starting Wednesday. Additionally, conference committees will be meeting to begin to package bills together and come up with final agreements.
Monday, March 17
Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance – 9:30 a.m. – Room 546S
Hearing: Senate Bill 284 – Enacts the Defense of Drug Delivery Act to prohibit manufacturer interference relating to 340B drug distribution
Senate Ways and Means – 10:30 a.m. – Room 548S
Hearing: House Bill 2195 – Establishes the Kansas Technical College Operating Grant Fund administered by the Kansas Board of Regents
Hearing: House Bill 2221 – Abolishes the Kansas Department of Corrections Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Fund, creates the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Fund, and transfers the moneys and liabilities from such abolished fund to the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Fund
House Child Welfare and Foster Care – 1:30 p.m. – Room 152S
Presentation: Police Protective Custody in Kansas by Ed Klumpp, legislative liaison, Kansas Sheriffs Association, Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police, Kansas Peace Officers Association
Tuesday, March 18
Senate Public Health and Welfare – 8:30 a.m. – Room 142S
Hearing: House Bill 2217 – Expands the scope of the inspector general to audit and investigate all state cash, food or health assistance programs and grants the inspector general the power to subpoena, administer oaths and execute search warrants thereto
Final action: House Bill 2039 – Amends the definitions in the Kansas Credentialing Act to provide that certain entities providing physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology are not home health agencies
Final Action: House Bill 2217 – Expands the scope of the inspector general to audit and investigate all state cash, food or health assistance programs and grants the inspector general the power to subpoena, administer oaths and execute search warrants thereto
Final Action: House Bill 2311 – Prohibits the secretary from adopting and enforcing policies for placement, custody and appointment of a custodian that may conflict with sincerely held religious or moral beliefs regarding sexual orientation or gender identity and creating a right of action for violations
Final Action: House Bill 2335 – Adds maternity center to the definition of health care provider for purposes of the Healthcare Provider Insurance Availability Act
House Social Services Budget – 3:30 p.m. – Room 152S
Tour of the 988 Call Center, 2121 SW Chelsea Dr.
House Taxation – 3:30 p.m. – Room 346S
Hearing: House Bill 2081 – Provides a sales tax exemption for community pharmacies serving medically underserved individuals and families.
Wednesday, March 19
Thursday, March 20
Friday, March 21