Current Report Articles
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts Offers Presentation Opportunities

Kansas Board of Healing Arts 2 (Jan. 24, 2025) – The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts is offering presentation opportunities to their stakeholders as part of their outreach efforts. Each presentation lasts about 45 to 60 minutes, including time for questions and offers licensees, students and professional organizations the chance to learn about the KSBHA's services, application requirements and mission.

If you are interested in scheduling a presentation, please contact KSBHA or make a request online using the KSBHA Speaker Request Form.

KSBHA is offering presentations on the following topics:

  • Licensing: A general overview of the agency, KSBHA's licensing department, application process and requirements, information on renewals, continuing education and audits. KSBHA's licensing presentations are tailored to a specific profession.
  • Professionalism: An overview of KSBHA's complaint, investigation and litigation process, as well as grounds for disciplinary action and types of board action. It also addresses prevention/remedial measures and highlights the importance of early detection.
  • KSBHA: Who We Are; What We Do and How We Do It: Provides a high-level overview of the agency, its mission, the roles of KSBHA's five departments, recent and pending changes, agency resources, and more.
  • KSBHA: Complaints and Investigations: Provides a more in-depth look at KSBHA's complaint, investigation and litigation process of disciplinary cases. It provides insight into common complaints and investigations and explains how Kansas law impacts the investigation process.
  • Healthcare Professional Wellness: This presentation provides a general overview of health care professional wellness, KSBHA's approach and advances in the agency to promote health care professional wellness, as well as frequently asked questions and resources.
  • Social Media Use by Healthcare Professionals: For health care professionals, social media can support personal expression, enable online professional presence and foster networking. However, it can also create challenges for the licensee/patient relationship, boundaries and advertising. In this presentation, KSBHA will discuss social media's growing relevance in health care, the most common pitfalls for professionals online, tips for prevention and a case review of state board actions involving the improper use of social media.

KSBHA also offers virtual presentation opportunities throughout the year. KSBHA anticipates sending a calendar of these presentations out in mid-February. Please contact for more information.
--Karen Braman