Current Report Articles
Tips for Registering Online for KHA Events

TipsandTricks (May 17, 2024) – The Kansas Hospital Association is pleased many of you are registering for KHA events online. Registering online for KHA events is easy when you follow these helpful tips. Please forward this information to your staff.

  • If an event is available for online registration, go to, click on "Education" and "Register Online" or go directly to
  • Select the event you would like to attend using the drop-down arrow and click Next.
  • Type in these required fields: first name, last name (do not include your title in this field) and email address (it will add your information exactly how you type it). You will receive a runtime error if you type in an inadequate email address (for instance, one that doesn’t contain an @). Click Next.
  • Start typing your organization name in the drop-down window (if it doesn't appear, try the acronym or start typing the word "The" first if you are, for example, with The University of Kansas Health System), select it and click Go. All member organizations are in the list. Our system will charge you the non-member rate if you don't select a member organization.
  • Check the box next to the event and then click Register.
  • Do not leave any required fields blank or you will receive a runtime error.
  • Enter the credit card number without dashes or spaces and the expiration date on your credit card as mmyy (NO SLASH). For example, the January 2025 expiration would be 0125. Click only once on the "Process Card" button. Please note: double-clicking on "Process Card" will duplicate the charge.
  • If you get an error message, please contact us right away so we can pinpoint the problem before your credit card is processed more than once. KHA will refund you for any duplicate charges; however, we are trying to alleviate any unnecessary processing.
  • You will receive an automated email receipt shortly after you register online (or if our staff registers you in-house), as long as your correct email address is in our system. If you are registering other persons on your staff and need to track that information, please don’t forget to ask them for a copy of their receipts.

If you have questions and/or if you are unable to register, please contact the KHA Education Department at (785) 233-7436.
--Cheryl Carson