Current Report Articles
Kansas Health Care Micro-Internship Project Returns

Internship (March 7, 2025) – The Kansas Board of Regents, in partnership with the Kansas Hospital Association, is excited to announce the return of the Kansas Health Care Micro-Internship Project for its second year. This grant-funded initiative offers students currently enrolled in any Kansas public community or technical college and high school students at least 18 years old and completing one or more dual or concurrent enrollment courses to apply to KHA for a micro-internship. The student will complete various objectives and work with a local health care organization to interview someone working in health care. Next, they will create a social media post or PowerPoint to promote awareness of health care careers.

Kansas Health Care Micro-Internships are short-term, paid assignments designed to increase student awareness of the rewarding health care career opportunities available throughout the state. These KMI projects also benefit health care providers who want to improve their talent pipeline.

One of last year's micro-interns shared, "Overall, this micro-internship was an excellent opportunity to better myself and look ahead to possible future opportunities. The project has made me a lot more confident in pursuing a career in the medical field."

Students must complete the online Agile Work Profiler, six short online Skillsline micro-lessons, and an informational interview with a KHA member who will share a current challenge in their organization or facility. They can then research and prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation or social media post on how health care professionals address that challenge. The final requirement is to complete a short reflection essay on how the KMI project has influenced their consideration of a health care career.

Students will be provided with sample questions to ask during the interview and a PowerPoint or social media template to help guide their projects, which they can showcase to future employers. The micro-intern students will receive payment through a grant, so beyond providing a member of your organization for an informational interview once KHA reaches out to you, there is no other involvement required from participating hospitals.

Please contact Summer Fangman if you have any questions or receive inquiries regarding a micro-internship without being connected through KHA.
--Summer Fangman