Current Report Articles
Federal and National News

News (July 12, 2024) – CMS Issues LTCF Data Guidance
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued guidance for long-term care facilities on data collection and publication, specifically related to new staffing requirements and methodology. CMS lists additional resources for facilities, clarifies calculating turnover rates and provides information on how data will be displayed, among other information contained in the guidance.

New Rural Substance Use Disorder Information Center
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy has announced a new Rural Substance Use Disorder Info Center. This new clearinghouse highlights the work of three different Rural Centers of Excellence on Substance Use Disorders, all funded by FORHP's Rural Communities Opioid Response Program. Visitors to the website will find current information and technical assistance opportunities on SUD through a rural lens.

CDC Updates Vaccine Guidance for 2024-2025 Respiratory Virus Season
As of June 26, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone over age 75 and individuals at increased risk for severe RSV receive the RSV vaccine. This recommendation is for people who did not receive an RSV vaccine last year; at this time, the RSV vaccine is not an annual vaccine. The best time for vaccination is in late summer or early fall before RSV starts to spread. Recommendations for pregnant people, infants and young children were not changed. The CDC's updated guidance for RSV vaccinations provides additional clinical details.

On June 27, the CDC updated recommendations for COVID-19 and influenza vaccines to recommend everyone age six months and older receive updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 and influenza vaccines. COVID-19 vaccine recommendations will take effect later this year when updated Moderna, Pfizer and Novavax COVID-19 vaccines are available. Most people are recommended to get the flu vaccine in September or October. Guidance for COVID-19 vaccines and flu vaccines will be updated soon and will provide additional clinical details.

CMS Releases Proposed Medicare CY 2025 OPPS and ASC Payment and Policy Updates
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released the proposed Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center payment and policy updates for calendar year 2025. Medicare OPPS and ASC payment rates are estimated to increase by 2.6 percent. The proposed rule includes new policies "that aim to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity, which disproportionally affect underserved communities." CMS will accept comments on the proposed rule through Monday, Sept. 9.

CMS Releases Home Health PPS Proposed Rule
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released a proposed rule to mitigate the impact of significant, anomalous and highly suspect billing activity on Medicare Shared Savings Program financial calculations for calendar year 2023. CMS determined that two specific HCPCS codes displayed as significant, anomalous and highly suspect billing activity, consisting of A4352 – intermittent urinary catheter and A4353 – intermittent urinary catheter, with insertion supplies. CMS noted that absent mitigation measures, the SAHS billing activity would inflate Medicare Parts A and B spending. CMS will accept comments on the proposed rule through Monday, July 29.

MLN Connects Provider eNews Available
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued the following updates to MLN Connects Provider eNews:

Before You Go ...

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will host a Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity call, providing an update on the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, or H5N1, virus at 1 p.m. Tuesday, July 16. During this call, attendees will receive an update on the outbreak in the U.S. and current CDC surveillance and monitoring efforts. Clinicians who attend will learn about testing, using antivirals and infection prevention and control recommendations.