Current Report Articles
Federal and National News

News (March 7, 2025) – Estimates of 2024–2025 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness
Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all eligible persons aged six months and greater. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention monitors and publishes influenza vaccine effectiveness. Interim estimates for the 2024 – 2025 influenza VE were reported in the Feb. 27, 2025, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report based on four U.S. VE networks. CDC reported that among children and adolescents, VE was 32 percent, 59 percent and 60 percent in outpatient settings (three networks) and 63 percent and 78 percent against influenza-associated hospitalization (two networks). Among adults, VE was 36 percent and 54 percent in outpatient settings (two networks) and 41 percent and 55 percent against influenza-associated hospitalization (two networks). For the full report, see the MMWR on Interim Estimates of 2024–2025 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness — Four Vaccine Effectiveness Networks, United States, October 2024–February 2025.

Yale Program to Host Virtual Addiction Medicine Grand Rounds
The Yale Program in Addiction Medicine will host a virtual addiction medicine grand rounds at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11. Sara Edmond, PhD, will be the guest speaker for the grand rounds entitled, "Diagnostic Uncertainty in Prescription Opioid Use: When Harms Outweigh Benefits." Learn more and register for the event.

Organizations to Offer Trauma-Informed Care Online Training
The Overdose Response Network, in collaboration with the National Harm Reduction Coalition, will host a free virtual session for service providers without formal mental health training about trauma-informed care at 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 12.

The training will provide an overview of trauma and mental health issues, roots of trauma and how harm reduction can be a tool or framework to help practitioners understand and unpack the way trauma impacts people’s lives and work. Case examples will be shared. Register for the event.

Before You Go ...

March is Social Work Month, a time to honor and celebrate the social work profession and the contributions social workers make to empower people to reach their full potential. This year’s theme is Social Work: Compassion + Action. Visit the National Association of Social Workers' website for suggestions on celebrating these key members of your clinical teams.