Current Report Articles
Health Observances and Recognition Days for December

Calendar (Nov. 27, 2024) – Month-Long Observances

  • Gift of Sight Month
  • Safe Toys and Gifts Month (National)
  • Sharps Injury Prevention Month (International)

Week-Long Observances

  • Dec. 1-7 – Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week and Handwashing Awareness Week (National)
  • Dec. 2-6 – Influenza Vaccination Week (National)

Recognition Days | Events

  • Dec. 1 – AIDS Day (World)
  • Dec. 3 – Day of Persons with Disability (International)
  • Dec. 21 – Shake And Freeze™ Day (Shorts Day) - Parkinson's Awareness Day
  • Dec. 31 –  New Year's Eve – Quit Smoking Resolutions

The Kansas Hospital Association and Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development are pleased to bring you the 2025 Calendar of Health Observances & Recognition Days. Yet another example of our commitment to providing health care strategists with practical, timely resources. This calendar is designed to help you plan your 2025 community health events, internal and external communications, social media campaigns and more. The 2025 calendar is easy to navigate, interactive and features more than 230 health observances and recognition days. Don't miss out on receiving calendar updates from SHSMD sponsor Baldwin Publishing. Not only do they provide you with a Health Observance Guide with ALL the content you need to post every day for the following month, they also give access to healthy recipes, cooking videos, branded cookbooks, recipe calendars, wellness content and solutions.

2024 Calendar        

--Jan Fenwick