Current Report Articles
K-TRACS Reporting Exemptions Must Be Renewed by Aug. 31

KTRACSLogo (July 3, 2024) – K-TRACS requires pharmacies that dispense controlled substances and drugs of concern to report dispensations by the end of the next business day from when they are sold or otherwise handed over to the patient. However, many Kansas hospital pharmacies are exempt from these requirements based on K.S.A. 65-1682 statutory definitions. Exemptions must be renewed annually by Aug. 31. The pharmacist-in-charge must complete the exemption renewal. Please use the following guidance when submitting your exemption renewal:

Use the online form if the pharmacy meets either of the following criteria:

  • K.S.A. 65-1682 (d)(1): A licensed hospital pharmacy that distributes controlled substances and drugs of concern for the purpose of inpatient hospital care only. Select Exemption Option #1. No attachments or documentation are required.
  • K.S.A. 65-1682 (d)(2): A medical care facility as defined in K.S.A. 65-425, practitioner or other authorized person who administers controlled substances and drugs of concern. Select Exemption Option #2. No attachments or documentation are required.

K.A.R. 68-21-2 exempts submission of interim supplies of 48 hours or less of controlled substances and drugs of concern. Hospital pharmacies engaged in these practices may select from either option above if they provide interim supplies and no other outpatient dispensing.

When would a hospital pharmacy be required to report to K-TRACS and be ineligible for an exemption?

  • If a pharmacy dispenses outpatient prescriptions to employees, those must be reported. The pharmacy is not eligible for an exemption.
  • If the hospital dispenses up to three days' supply of buprenorphine to initiate OUD treatment in the emergency department according to 21 CFR Part 1306.07, those dispensations must be reported. The pharmacy is not eligible for an exemption.

Exemption requests will be reviewed by K-TRACS staff. Dispensers will receive notice by email confirming approval or denial. The email will serve as confirmation and proof of exemption. No exemption certificates are issued.

Contact K-TRACS with any questions at or (785) 296-6547.
--Karen Braman