Current Report Articles
KHA Receives Response from the OIG
KHANewLogoSquare (March 7, 2025) – On Jan. 10, 2025, the Kansas Hospital Association sent a letter to the Office of Inspector General expressing concern regarding a recent report, Medicare Could Save Billions with Comparable Access for Enrollees if Critical Access Hospital Payments for Swing-Bed Services Were Similar to Those of the Fee-for-Service Prospective Payment System Hospitals. In the letter, KHA stated the report missed vital context that would paint a different picture of swing-bed needs in CAHs, such as potential CAH closures, the cost to the Medicare program, the proximity of alternative facilities, the impact of quality care and the foundational purpose of the CAH program. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services raised similar concerns with the report. The OIG appreciates the bringing of these concerns forward and will work with CMS to resolve the open recommendation. For more information, please contact Shannan Flach at or Jaron Caffrey at
--Shannan Flach