Current Report Articles
KMAP Increases Community Health Worker Reimbursement Rates

KDHE (June 14, 2024) – The Kansas Medical Assistance Program has issued bulletin 24105 regarding the rate increase for Community Health Worker services. Effective with dates of service on and after July 1, 2024, Community Health Worker service rates will be increased for the codes below. The current KMAP coverage criteria, limitations and billing instructions will remain the same.

      Procedure Code      Rate*
 98960 U7 $22.20
 98961 U7 $10.78
 98962 U7 $7.77

* The rates noted in the KMAP bulletin are subject to future changes. Providers should check the Kansas Medical Assistance Program website for the most up-to-date rates.

Note: The policy's effective date is July 1, 2024. The implementation of State policy by the KanCare managed care organizations may vary from the date noted in the KMAP bulletins.
--Karen Braman