Current Report Articles
Noon Briefing: Addressing Transportation Challenges that Impact Health – July 31

Transportation (July 12, 2024)—Transportation is a significant social driver of health. The lack of consistent, reliable transportation and the physical environment that enables or is a barrier to active transportation have health implications for individuals and communities.

Transportation is key in accessing a range of opportunities, services and products, such as employment, education, healthy foods and health care services, among others. Transportation in rural communities presents unique challenges because of the geographic distances rural community members must travel to meet many health care, social and occupational needs. Additionally, transportation challenges may increase health disparities and health inequities. These disparities may be disproportionately felt by populations with special health needs, low socioeconomic resources, older adults, people of color and immigrant populations living in rural areas.

Join us for a free webinar at noon on July 31, highlighting strategies used by communities across Kansas to tackle transportation challenges that impact health. In addition, learn about Kansas Mobility Management, a public transportation strategy sponsored by the Kansas Department of Transportation, that develops and facilitates coordination strategies benefitting both passengers and the transit providers that serve them.

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--Karen Braman