Current Report Articles
President's Perspective – From Assessments to Improvements, Kansas Health Matters Can Help

Kansas Health Matters (March 7, 2025) – In 2011, the Kansas Hospital Association jointly launched a public-private partnership of eight cross-sectorial agencies to create and provide the vision and leadership for Kansas' most comprehensive online source of state-specific data and relevant health improvement resources … Kansas Health Matters. At its inception, the partnership's mission was to empower hospitals, health departments, communities and others interested in improving health by providing data, supporting community health needs assessment and improvement plans, and identifying best practices through partnerships and collaboration.

For 14 years, Kansas Health Matters has made public data accessible in a meaningful context, supported local organizations with tools to address complex health issues and established a collaborative partnership that guides and sustains these efforts. KHA's foundation, Healthworks, also supports this work as the fiscal agent for the partnership.

KHA continues to hear from members how essential Kansas Health Matters is in assisting with community health needs assessments and community improvement plans, which are required for all 501(c)3 hospitals every three years. Details on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requirement for 501(c)3 hospitals are online.

However, beyond helping Kansas hospitals meet a federal requirement, it is important to note that Kansas Health Matters brings community health-related statistical data, local resources and a wealth of information to one accessible, user-friendly location for ALL Kansans. The intent is to give our communities the tools they need to read and understand public health indicators that affect the quality of our residents' lives. The tools help the community set goals and evaluate progress.

KHA staff continues to meet with a broad group of partners and funders monthly to maintain and improve on this work intended to help hospitals, health departments, community members and policymakers learn about the community's health and ways to help improve it. In addition, community groups, schools, health associations, chambers of commerce, tourism and many other organizations use this information to show Kansas's great benefits and opportunities for improvement, with specific details. Master planners and government representatives also use this data to establish community goals on various platforms. The evolving nature of Kansas Health Matters allows all users to contribute information and ideas.

KHA and our partner organizations are committed to continuing and improving Kansas Health Matters by enhancing its ease of use, expanding its audience and engaging additional partners. With the vision of Actionable Information for Community Health Improvement in Kansas, we hope to continue to make progress in building a healthier Kansas. If you have not been to Kansas Health Matters or have not checked it out lately, we encourage you to do so.
--Chad Austin