Current Report Articles
President's Perspective – We CARE We VOTE

We Care We Vote logo (June 14, 2024) – Advocacy is at the heart of every service KHA provides for members. Whether we are educating, advocating or relationship-building, we look for ways to assist policymakers at the federal, state and local levels in understanding the issues essential to hospitals. Part of our advocacy efforts is to encourage our members to be involved in the process and vote. We invite you to use our ready-made 2024 We CARE We VOTE Campaign to mobilize your hospital's employees in this important election year.

We CARE We VOTE is a statewide initiative to empower and educate health care workers about how they can get out and vote during the 2024 elections. The campaign encourages hospital employees to participate in the 2024 elections to show elected officials and candidates we care – for our patients, our communities and our local and state economies.

As you know, the 2024 elections will be critical because the leaders we elect will make important decisions concerning the future of health care – and, ultimately, the future of Kansas hospitals. Leading up to the Kansas Primary Election on Aug. 6, and the General Election on Nov. 5, we encourage you to call on hospital employees, physicians, trustees, vendors and volunteers to join together to make the voice of the industry heard through the We CARE We VOTE campaign.

Together, Kansas hospital employees are more than 100,000 people strong. Your team is in a powerful position to make a difference with their votes and their voices as advocates for better health. The Kansas Hospital Association is here to support those efforts, and we encourage you to use the 2024 We CARE We VOTE advocacy toolkit to promote the importance of electing leaders who prioritize healthy Kansas populations and healthy Kansas economies.

A customizable multimedia toolkit is available for download in a new box folder. PDFs are at; click on Advocacy, We CARE We VOTE, or use the QR Code. The toolkit includes:

Getting Started

  • A commitment and order form to ensure your hospital has the resources you need
  • A communication plan and checklist to roll out the campaign at your hospital
  • A campaign timeline for the 2024 Primary and General Elections
  • Guidelines for having nonpartisan conversations with patients and the general public (including guidance on what a 501(c)3 can and cannot do)

Public Relations

  • Sample social media posts and graphics to easily use and share
  • Sample media release and trustee information on the We CARE We VOTE campaign
  • Posters/flyers to display in elevators, staff breakrooms or around the hospital
  • Video from the Secretary of State on registering to vote

Resources for Staff Engagement

  • Template CEO communication to send to employees to inspire involvement
  • We CARE We VOTE pins and cards to pass out to employees
  • Article for your hospital's internal newsletter on voting options
  • A short, inspirational video to share with employees (and the public via your social media pages)
  • A PowerPoint presentation on the We CARE We VOTE campaign
  • Questions for employees to ask candidates on matters related to health care in Kansas
  • Handout for employees to give candidates about Kansas hospitals and our current advocacy issues

We hope you will use these materials to spread the word about building healthier Kansas communities. As always, if you have questions or need additional assistance, please contact KHA at (785) 233-7436.
--Chad Austin