Current Report Articles
President's Perspective – Happy Hospital Week

Hospital Week 2 This week, the Kansas Hospital Association has enjoyed celebrating all of you during National Hospital Week. It has been refreshing to see and learn about hospitals' activities with their teams this week. Your teams truly represent the theme We Are Health Care … as it is the individuals in your hospitals who make Kansas health care great. I am glad we could help highlight Kansas hospitals, health systems and health care associates. Your health care teams are lifting up communities across Kansas.

Our 2024 KHA Hospital Week video (linked below) leans into our current public perception campaign messaging. KHA also worked with the American Hospital Association to co-brand the new Power of One video (linked below) that the AHA showcased at the AHA Annual Meeting. This video highlights that every second of every hour of every day, the professionals in hospitals and health systems mend bodies, promote wellness and give hope to patients and communities. Hospitals, and health systems, work together to lead innovative change, advocate for patients and train the next generation of caregivers — and it all happens when each individual health care professional joins with their colleagues and many voices become one to change health care for the better. This is a message that resonates far beyond hospital week, so I invite you to use this video with your staff and in your communities in the months ahead.

Thank you for the valuable contributions you each make daily so hospitals can care for Kansans 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. On behalf of the entire KHA staff, thank you for your commitment to improving the health of your community through compassionate care, constant innovation and unwavering dedication!

The link to the video is
--Chad Austin