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President's Perspective – Honoring Sacrifice This Memorial Day

Memorial Day (May 24, 2024) – As we prepare to celebrate the Memorial Day weekend, which for many is the unofficial start to summer, I am reminded that Memorial Day, observed annually on the last Monday of May, holds profound significance. Beyond the barbecues and long weekends, this day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who have laid down their lives in service to their country.

Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day traces its roots back to the aftermath of the Civil War, when communities across the nation came together to honor the fallen soldiers by decorating their graves with flowers. Over time, this tradition evolved into a national holiday dedicated to remembering all those who have died in military service.

For many, Memorial Day is a time to visit cemeteries and memorials, laying wreaths and flags to honor the fallen. Beyond the rituals of remembrance, Memorial Day also provides an opportunity for reflection on the broader significance of sacrifice. It is a day to contemplate the ideals these men and women fought and died for – liberty, justice and the pursuit of a better world. Their sacrifice is a beacon of hope, inspiring future generations to uphold these values and strive for a more peaceful and just society.

Additionally, Memorial Day reminds us of the ongoing commitment required to support those who serve in the armed forces. It is a time to express gratitude to veterans and active-duty personnel and to recognize the sacrifices made by their families. From the battlefields of distant lands to the challenges of reintegration into civilian life, the burdens borne by service members (including those in health care) extend far beyond their military service.

Take time this Memorial Day for remembrance and reflection. As we pause to remember the fallen, let's look to the future with a renewed sense of purpose. Let's honor the legacy of their sacrifice by working toward a world where peace and justice prevail. I wish you all a safe Memorial Day weekend.
--Chad Austin