Current Report Articles
President's Perspective – Looking Forward to the KHA Annual Convention

Convention Logo 2024 Newsletter (Aug. 30, 2024) – It is hard to believe the Labor Day Weekend is upon us and the 2024 KHA Annual Convention and Trade Show is next week. We look forward to seeing all of you in Overland Park. If you have yet to register, that is OK. We will have registration on-site. Join us! This year’s theme, Champions of Change, promises to educate, enlighten and inspire attendees with award-winning speakers, networking opportunities and nearly 200 professional exhibitors displaying state-of-the-art products and services.

We will start the convention experience by bringing together friends and health care colleagues at the Registration and Welcome Reception from 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 4. This pre-event gathering, sponsored by our friends at KAMMCO, offers a casual evening of conversation and cocktails. While there, I encourage you to take a moment to stop by the registration desk to pick up your convention materials and beat the Thursday rush. As a reminder, exhibitor registration will not be during the Welcome Reception.

The KHA Convention Planning Committee has planned a tremendous line-up of speakers on Thursday that we anticipate everyone will enjoy. Later that afternoon, we will open the trade show, and attendees will have the opportunity to explore the variety of exhibitors. Also, you must plan to join us for the We Are the Champions Party on Thursday night, which combines our hospitality rooms with our traditional KHA party. In addition to live streaming of the Chiefs' season opener, there will be games, friendship bracelets, food, drinks and prizes. Our generous hospitality champions, including APS, have allowed us to offer the convention party free of charge. Feel free to wear your Kansas City Chiefs attire.

On Friday, Sept. 6, we will close the convention with Dan Meers, KC Wolf, Courageous Leadership – Living a Life of Influence. Dan Meers' insights on making a tangible difference in communities inspired us to launch a Digital Toilet Paper Drive. With the funds raised, KHA will purchase toilet paper in bulk and ship it directly to Shelter KC.  Scan the QR code below to donate.

Toilet Paper Drive QR code

Lastly, download the 2024 KHA Convention and Trade Show App. The app provides information about sessions, speakers, exhibitors, a customizable calendar, a list of attendees, a venue map and a trade show floor plan. The app is available for Android, iPhone and iPad and can be downloaded from the Apple Store and Google Play. Search for "Kansas Hospital Association."

If you have any questions leading up to next week's event, please don't hesitate to contact us at the KHA office. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend! We look forward to seeing you next week!
--Chad Austin