Current Report Articles
Tips for Registering Online for the KHA Convention and Trade Show
TipsandTricks (July 26, 2024) – Many of you have already used our online registration for the Kansas Hospital Association Convention, and we thank you! Remember that your name badge is your admission ticket to all KHA sessions, the trade show and the KHA party. If you pay for any extra functions not included with your registration fee, the ticket codes will appear on the back of your name badge and admit you to those extra functions. You can only register yourself and a guest (up to two tickets each per available event) at one time. For instance, if you only register yourself and mark 10 tickets for the Political Advocacy Breakfast, our system will not process the other tickets because it can't identify whose records to apply this information to in our database. For all 10 tickets to be purchased, you must register each person individually, including applicable registration fees. Also, please register for the convention and pay for your tickets simultaneously for a smoother process.
--Cheryl Carson