Current Report Articles
Trustee Recognition at Critical Issues Summit

Applause (Feb. 16, 2024) – As KHA attends board meetings across the state, it is obvious many governance best practices are being utilized. KHA encourages members to recognize board members for their dedication and service. KHA started the Trustee Accountability and Recognition Program in 2010 as a response for hospitals to demonstrate their accountability to legislators, attorneys generals and their communities.

The program annually recognizes trustees at the KHA Critical Issues Summit. The Trustee Accountability and Recognition Program recognizes hospitals and trustees that:

  1. Understand and embrace the need for governance accountability
  2. Govern according to a standard of excellence
  3. Formally recognize their adherence to governance best practices
  4. Embrace community accountability

Structure their community benefit and outreach programs to meet identified community needs
We encourage hospitals to recognize trustees at this year's Critical Issues Summit by completing a recognition form by Feb. 23. Email or fax the form to Cindy Samuelson at (785) 233-6955.
-Cindy Samuelson