 Slides to Distribute 9-11-24.pdf
Slides from Informational Webinar on Sept. 11, 2024
The timeline has been released for FY23 by the Universal Service Administrative Company, the organization that administers broadband funding across the nation.
 New Member Packet for 2024.pdf
Application packet for Kansas Health-e Broadband Consortium
 Scoring Methodology Fact Sheet-2021.pdf
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS) have published a Scoring Methodology Fact Sheet detailing the scoring and reporting requirements for 2021
 KHB Overview Sheet January 2024.pdf
Overview of the Telehealth Program
 Cyber Alert Attachment051317.pdf
FBI alert - Indicators Associated With WannaCry Ransomware
 Eligible Services.docx
Services eligible for subsidy as part of the HCF.
 About FFG_Updated 9-28-23.docx
Information about FFG.
 eCQMs Included in 2017 Hospital IQR Program.pdf
A table that contains the 15 eCQMs included in Hospital IQR. Hospitals must report on 8 of the 15 eCQMs in 2017 and 2018, for their payment determination in FY 2019 and 2020.