AD COPY: Building a healthy Kansas, one neighbor at a time. What is The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas? For 150,000 hardworking, low-income Kansans currently without health care coverage, it’s a path to greater health and personal responsibility. Kansas hospitals encourage you to contact your elected officials to support a new Kansas solution for your friends and neighbors. Build The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas here: www.BridgeToAHealthyKansas.org
 KHA_adconcept_3.75x10 color.pdf
AD COPY: Build the bridge to a healthy Kansas. We believe all Kansans deserve access to quality health care. That’s why we support The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas, which provides affordable health care coverage for thousands of low-income, hardworking Kansans. Please join us in building a healthy community. Encourage your elected officials to support a new Kansas solution for your friends and neighbors at www.BridgeToAHealthyKansas.org
 KHA_adconcept_3.75x10 gray.pdf
Also available in color. AD COPY: Build the bridge to a healthy Kansas. We believe all Kansans deserve access to quality health care. That’s why we support The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas, which provides affordable health care coverage for thousands of low-income, hardworking Kansans. Please join us in building a healthy community. Encourage your elected officials to support a new Kansas solution for your friends and neighbors at www.BridgeToAHealthyKansas.org
AD COPY: Build the bridge to a healthy Kansas. We believe all Kansans deserve access to quality health care. That’s why we support The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas, which provides affordable health care coverage for thousands of low-income, hardworking Kansans. Please join us in building a healthy community. Encourage your elected officials to support a new Kansas solution for your friends and neighbors at www.BridgeToAHealthyKansas.org
Also available in color. AD COPY: Build the bridge to a healthy Kansas. We believe all Kansans deserve access to quality health care. That’s why we support The Bridge to a Healthy Kansas, which provides affordable health care coverage for thousands of low-income, hardworking Kansans. Please join us in building a healthy community. Encourage your elected officials to support a new Kansas solution for your friends and neighbors at www.BridgeToAHealthyKansas.org