Health Care Preceptor Academy (April 25, June 19, July 10 and July 18)
Brochure (fillable).pdf
The complimentary academy is offered four times, with each session covering the same material. Limited to 30 participants per class, enrollment is first-come, first-served.
The academy is offered four times, with each session covering the same material.
Limited to 30 participants per class, enrollment is first-come, first-served. Preceptors take on the vital role of orienting new staff to their roles, as well as onboarding new staff to the culture of the department and organization. The Health Care Preceptor Academy is designed to engage and grow current and future preceptors with key education tools and strategies to foster a strong preceptor/orientee relationship. This interactive program provides information and practical tools to improve preceptor abilities. As a preceptor, you can make the difference in how a new employee adjusts to your hospital.