(February 2024) – Each January and July, the Kansas Hospital Association has the privilege to host a new CEO orientation. This is a semi-annual gathering of CEOs who have recently taken on their position in a Kansas hospital. This event is a great opportunity to meet other CEOs around the state, to learn more about Kansas, and the KHA resources available to members. In addition to information on advocacy, health care finance and reimbursement, workforce, regulatory issues, quality, data, education and communication, CEOs met with Senator Chase Blasi (R-Wichita) to learn more about the Kansas Legislature and to tour the Kansas Capitol.
KHA staff thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to get to know the new CEOs and are grateful they took time out of their busy schedule to join us in Topeka. Thank you to:
- Kevin Faughnder, Norton County Hospital, Norton
- Alex Haines, St. Luke Hospital and Living Center, Marion
- Melissa Hall, Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital, El Dorado
- Cathy Pimple, Newman Regional Health, Emporia
- Jeremy Rabe, Trego County-Lemke Memorial Hospital, WaKeeney
- Sarah Ragsdale, Smith County Memorial Hospital, Smith Center
We also greatly appreciated the participation of KHA Board Chair Bobby Olm-Shipman, Saint Luke's South Hospital, Overland Park, and KHA Board Chair-Elect George Stover, Hospital District #1 of Rice County, Lyons, for attending the meeting to share their perspectives of the Kansas health care system and value of KHA.
If you want your CEO to join us in July, contact Cindy Samuelson at (785) 233-7436.