The Kansas Association of Hospital Attorneys (KAHA) is an organization for attorneys representing or employed by an institutional member of the Kansas Hospital Association. KAHA offers a great opportunity for hospital attorneys to exchange ideas, discuss changes in the law and get acquainted with fellow health care lawyers.
KAHA implemented sponsors CLE seminars during the year at various locations around the state. Each year, KAHA provides three to six hours of CLE, which includes presentations at the annual KHA meeting, as well as a mid-year CLE session. The CLE programs have been well received, and we plan to continue to offer timely programs, focusing on the day-to-day issues facing health care lawyers. Our goal is to choose topics that will generate group discussion and enhance networking among our members.
Annual membership dues are $50. Hospitals are encouraged to recommend KAHA membership to their attorneys. To learn more about KAHA, contact Audrey Dunkel, KAHA liaison at (785) 233-7436.