KSHIMSS offers educational opportunities throughout the year and at the annual spring conference in Wichita. Membership materials for HIMSS are available at the spring conference. The dues structure for KSHIMSS is as follows:
If a facility has more than one staff member who would benefit from membership in KSHIMSS, all such staff members are eligible for “active” status. This means that they will have voting privileges. KSHIMSS has approximately 325 members. For more information on KSHIMSS, go to their website at kansas.himsschapter.org or contact Sally Othmer, KHA liaison, at (785) 233-7436.
April 18-19, 2024Kansas HIMSS Educational ConferenceDrury Plaza Hotel Broadview, WichitaThreat Level: Healthcare. The 2024 conference focuses on crucial aspects of safeguarding healthcare information. The programs will explore safe practices and strategies to include cyber tabletop exercises, the dynamic role of Health Information Networks during attacks and real-world experiences from attacks in Kansas. Early bird pricing and registration is now open at https://kshimss2024.eventbrite.com/.Please visit the Kansas Health Information Management Systems website for more information and hotel discount information.
Sara Warnock - PresidentAlisha Herrmann - President-ElectShawn Weldin - Secretary/Past PresidentMellissa Mixon - TreasurerSally Othmer - Advocacy/KHA LiaisonMichael McEldowney - Web/Communications ChairRhonda Spellmeier - HIE LiaisonMelissa Talley - MembershipKerry Kellerman, Nate Richards, Kevin Myers, Jason Bengel - Members-at-Large