(August 2021) – Summer is coming to an end, fall is around the corner, and we are still fighting COVID-19. The Delta variant is making its presence known and sending some cities back a few steps with mandates. With that being the case, I hope this finds everyone healthy and well.
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Oct.11-12, 2021 | | Fall Golf and Education |
| Watch for More Information | |
| from the KAHRMM Board! | |
At the time of this writing, KAHRMM is still planning a get-together on Oct. 11 and 12 in Salina. It will be a lot like our usual summer sessions. On Monday morning, Oct. 11, we will golf, then have an education session and/or a reverse vendor show in the evening. On Tuesday, Oct. 12, there will be more education and possibly more vendor engagement. There is still an outside chance this may not happen, but please plan on it. We need to interact with our peers and learn what others are doing in their world. It's been two years since we were last able to do anything as a group.
It is with deep regret I announce Lori Knoeber has resigned from her position at Salina Regional Health Center and from KAHRMM. That will leave the president-elect position on the KAHRMM Board open. Following the KAHRMM bylaws, Pat Tabor has expressed interest in filling that position for the remainder of this year and becoming president for the year 2022. KAHRMM members will have an opportunity to vote for a president-elect, as well as any other open board positions. If anyone is interested in being considered for an open position on the KAHRMM Board, please complete the Candidate Profile for 2022 KAHRMM Election form included in this newsletter. At this time, I'm not sure how many board positions will be open. With the weird year we've had, I still need to sort that out.
Thank you for all you do.
--Mike Morgan