(February 2021) – It's February and love is in the air! KAHRMM loves having you as a member and invites you to renew your 2021 membership if you haven't received an email notice from me in December advising that your 2020 membership dues are extended through 2021.
To date, we have 68 active members across the state of Kansas. If you haven't yet renewed your membership, please complete the membership form included in this newsletter and submit it to Chrissy Fink, KAHRMM Treasurer, Salina Regional Health Center. If you had included your AHRMM membership renewal dues with your KAHRMM dues, please send your AHRMM renewal invoice to Chrissy Fink at cfink@srhc.com, and she'll send payment to AHRMM. May this month bring continued health and safety to you and your loved ones.
--Lori Knoeber