Current Report Articles
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(June 28, 2024) – KDHE has announced that effective July 1, 2024, KanCare will cover doula services designed to provide crucial support during pregnancy, labor, delivery and the postpartum period, while enhancing the overall health care experience for expectant mothers.
(June 28, 2024) – The 2024 KHC Summit on Quality will feature a virtual Storyboard Showcase. KHC invites you to submit your organization’s successful quality improvement projects to be part of the showcase.
(June 28, 2024) – Because of the Fourth of July holiday, KHA's Current Report will be distributed on Wednesday, July 3, instead of Friday, July 5. KHA wishes everyone next week a safe holiday weekend.
(June 28, 2024) – KHA would like to inform our members of the latest member hospital administrator changes since our last hospital list in May.
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(June 28, 2024) –
(June 28, 2024) – Supporting KHA's vision, "Optimal Health for Kansans," KHA is sharing SHSMD's health observance calendar as a tool for planning your health events, internal and external communications and social media campaigns.
(June 28, 2024) – Chief Nursing Officer, Morton County Health System, Elkhart
(June 28, 2024) – Health Advisory for Increased Risk of Dengue Virus, HRSA IEA Region 7 Hosts Complimentary Events, Health Insurance Projections for 2024-2034, Nursing Facility Minimum Staffing Technical Corrections, IRF Patient Assessment Instrument Quarterly Q&A, MLN Connects Provider eNews, Before You Go.
(June 21, 2024) – AHA convenes its Regional Policy Board meetings across the country several times per year. These meetings are an opportunity for hospital leaders to share their views on policy issues and provide a perspective representing their state.
(June 21, 2024) – Did you know that state and federal governments pay for more than half of Kansas hospital care and regulate 100 percent of KHA activities? That's why your participation in the KHA Political Action Committee is so important.
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