 Primary Health Center Test Findings Report - Final.pdf
Report on the five test centers
 Financing the PHC Final.pdf
Work product of Rural Health Visioning TAG Re: financing options
 EMS Report and Recommendations.pdf
Work product of the EMS Work Group
 Rural Health Test Findings Report.pdf
Thanks to our five test sites for their commitment to the project. Thanks also to the expert team that designed, conducted and consulted on the findings: Joseph M. Watt and Jason Barb of BKD; Paul Bowerman of George, Bowerman and Noel; Eric Otting of Wendling Noe Nelson and Johnson; and Eldon Schumacher of Great Plains Health Alliance; led by Tommy Barnhart, Ten Mile Enterprises.
 Protecting the Foundation of Health Care in Kansas 2019.pdf
Brochure - February 2019
 PHC Overview 1-6-21.pdf
Transforming Rural Health Care - The Primary Health Center (Jan. 2021)
 White Paper on New Model MASTER.pdf
Sustaining Rural Health Care in Kansas The Development of Alternative Models March 2015
 System Alignment.pdf
System Alignment
 Physician Led ACO.pdf
Physician Led ACO
 CAH Mileage Phase In.pdf
CAH Mileage Phase In