 Economic and Employment Effects of Expanding KanCare in Kansas - Report.pdf
This is an independent analysis of the economic impact of a Medicaid expansion, conducted by researchers at Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) and the George Washington University (GW). This report was prepared for the Kansas Hospital Association and funded by the American Hospital Association. February 2013
 Economic and Employment Effects of KanCare Expansion Release - February 2013.pdf
New report shows expanding KanCare could result in a net cost savings for Kansas from 2014-2020. This independent analysis will be valuable as Kansas decides whether to accept or decline federal funds to expand the KanCare program to approximately 169,000 Kansans.
 Making a Decision on Expanding KanCare 2-19 Brief.pdf
This is an independent analysis of the economic impact of a Medicaid expansion, conducted by researchers at Regional Economic Models, Inc. (REMI) and the George Washington University (GW). This report was prepared for the Kansas Hospital Association and funded by the American Hospital Association. February 2013