Media Releases

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File iconKHA Media Release - Health Care Workforce Report 2024.pdf
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(April 24, 2024) – KHA has published its annual Kansas Health Care Workforce Report. The report utilizes data gathered from various sources to illustrate health care workforce challenges. Kansas hospitals are beginning to see less vacancies, although workforce needs are still great.
File iconLeadership Institute Media Advisory 2023.pdf
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(Sept. 25, 2023) – The KHA Leadership Institute graduated its 21st class of 30 students on Sept. 7, at the KHA Annual Convention and Trade Show in Wichita, Kansas. Students were nominated by their hospital's CEO to be part of this select group. They represent the future leaders of Kansas hospitals.
File iconKHA Media Release - Trustee of the Year 2023.pdf
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(Sept. 19, 2023) – It is with pleasure that the Kansas Hospital Association recognizes hospital trustees who provide an exemplary contribution through their leadership and governance.
File iconKHA Convention and Trade Show - Media Release.pdf
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(Sept. 05, 2023) – The KHA Annual Convention and Trade Show will be Sept. 7-8, at the Hyatt Regency Wichita and Century II Convention Center in Wichita. The convention is the pinnacle of the association’s education events. More than 1,000 hospital and health care leaders are registered to attend.
File iconVisionary Award Media Release - Brian Williams.pdf
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(Aug. 28, 2023) – KHA is pleased to award the 2023 Donald A. Wilson Visionary Award to Brian Williams, president and chief executive officer of Labette Health, Parsons. KHA established this award to recognize outstanding, innovative contribution to health care delivery, health care financing or other initiatives that improve the health and clinical outcomes in a community.
File iconBillings Award Media Release Allen Van Driel.pdf
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(Aug. 15, 2023) – It is with great pleasure that KHA announces Allen Van Driel, CEO, Smith County Memorial Hospital in Smith Center, is the recipient of 2023 Charles S. Billings Award.
File iconKHA Media Release - New Health Care Worker Protections.pdf
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(May 23, 2023) – New laws will provide additional protections for Kansas health care workers who are facing continued threats in the course of their work.
File iconKHA Media Release - Health Care Worker Protections Sign on Letter.pdf
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(April 25, 2023) – More than 150 health care professionals who live and/or work in the Kansas City area have signed onto a letter that calls on the legislature to take action to provide additional protections for Kansas health care workers who are facing continued threats in the course of their work.
File iconMedia Release - KS 2023 Health Care Virtual Career Fair.pdf
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(Feb. 14, 2023) –The Kansas Chamber, the Kansas Hospital Association, and the Kansas State Department of Education will host the virtual 2023 Health Care Career Day on Wednesday, April 19, to help students learn about what it takes to become a health care professional and to connect them with employers.
File iconKCMHC President Appointed - Media Release.pdf
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(Feb. 7, 2023) – Phil Buttell, President and CEO of Menorah Medical Center, was appointed a one-year term as president of the Kansas City Metropolitan Healthcare Council, the regional office of the Kansas and Missouri Hospital Associations. His term began Jan. 1.
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