Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee Meets, House Conference Committee Meets and Insurance Conference Committee Meets
Senate Passes 340B Protections Bill, House Takes Final Votes and Debates Bills, Budget Conference Committee Meets, Budget Conference Committee Meets, KHA Bill Tracker
340B Legislation Passes Out of Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee, Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee Hears and Works Bills, House and Senate Work Bills, KHA Bill Tracker
Senate FI&I Hold Hearing on 340B Bill, Senate Ways and Means Committee Hears Bills, House Works and Debates Bills, Senate Federal and State Affairs, Senate Slated to Debate Bills, This Week's Schedule, Introduction of Bills
Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee Hears and Works Bills, House Federal and State Affairs Hears Bill, House Appropriations Committee Meets with Conference and Gets Briefed, Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee Hears Genetic Sequencing Bill, House Debates Nursing Instructor Qualificat
Senate Public Health and Welfare Hears Bills, House Federal and State Affairs Hears Bill, Senate Ways and Means Committee Works KDHE Budget, Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing on HB 2223, House Takes Final Action on Provider Assessment Legislation, KHA Bill Tracker
Senate Public Health and Welfare Hears Bills, Senate Government Efficiency Hears Medicaid State Plan Approval Bill, Senate Federal and State Affairs Hears About Campaign Contribution Limit Changes, Senate Judiciary Hears Guardianship Bill, House Gives Initial Approval to the Provider Assessment Legi
Senate Ways and Means Committee Continues Budget Work, House Passes Tax and Gives Initial Approval to Budget and Appointment Reform, House Health and Human Services Committee Works Bills, House Select Investigation Committee Completes Work, KHA Bill Tracker