Senate Public Health and Welfare Hears Bills, Senate Government Efficiency Hears Medicaid State Plan Approval Bill, Senate Federal and State Affairs Hears About Campaign Contribution Limit Changes, Senate Judiciary Hears Guardianship Bill, House Gives Initial Approval to the Provider Assessment Legi
Senate Ways and Means Committee Continues Budget Work, House Passes Tax and Gives Initial Approval to Budget and Appointment Reform, House Health and Human Services Committee Works Bills, House Select Investigation Committee Completes Work, KHA Bill Tracker
Senate Ways and Means Continues Work on Budget, House Health and Human Services Committee Hears Bills, Next Week's Schedule, KHA Bill Tracker
Senate Public Health and Welfare Hears and Works Items Before Them, Senate Federal and State Affairs Hears E-Verify Bill, Senate Judiciary Hears Constitutional Amendment on Rules and Regulations, House Health and Human Services Works Provider Assessment Bill
Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee Hears Confirmation and Bills, House Appropriations Committee Hears Updates on Nursing and Budget Bill, Senate Ways and Means Committee Continues Budget Discussions with KDHE, House Health and Human Services Holds Hearings on Bills Including Provider Assessm
Senate Public Health and Welfare Hears and Works Bills, Senate Federal and State Affairs Hears Campaign Finance Bill, Senate Ways and Means Receives Updates on KDADS Budget, House Welfare Reform Received Update on Medicaid, House Health Hears and Passes Bills, House Votes for Campaign Finance Change
House Committee on Legislative Modernization, Senate Assessment and Taxation Committee Hears Bills, House Health and Human Services Hears Senate Bills, Senate Federal and State Affairs Hears Elections Bill, KHA Bill Tracker
Next Week's Schedule, KHA Bill Tracker, Introduction of Bills, House Select Investigative Committee Convenes
Senate Public Health and Welfare Hears Bill, House Appropriations Updates on 2026 World Cup, Senate Ways and Means Continues Work on Higher Education Budget, House Commerce Committee Hears Childcare Bill, Senate Federal and State Affairs Hears Immigration Bill,
Senate Public Health and Welfare Meets on Amending the Kansas Credentialing Act, Senate Ways and Means Continues Discussion on House Budget Bill