Capitol Comments Articles

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(April 25, 2024) – Yesterday, Governor Laura Kelly announced the signature of the state mega budget bill contained in SB 25 with line-item vetoed provisions.
(April 25, 2024) – Yesterday, Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed Sub. for HB 2036, the tax reform legislation.
(April 16, 2024) – As bills have made their way to Governor Laura Kelly's desk, the Kansas Hospital Association wants to update you on the status of health care-related legislation.
(April 8, 2024) – The House and Senate continued working through conference committee reports before disbanding for the first adjournment at around 3 a.m. on Saturday.
(April 8, 2024) – Before adjourning, the Senate saw motions to bring SB 135 and SB 355 out of committee.
(April 8, 2024) – Late Friday, the House and Senate Health Conference Committee met. The House agreed to the Senate's suggested changes to CMS, which did not supersede the change in statute.
(April 5, 2024) – Yesterday, the House rejected the tax plan contained in S. Sub for HB 2036 on a voice vote. H. Sub. for SB 300 will likely be revisited in a conference committee and handled later in the veto session. The education funding legislation contained in the CCR for H. Sub. for SB 387 also stalled. The Senate voted to reject an election reform bill included in CCR on SB 14 and voted to send the CCR for SB 423 back to the conference committee.
(April 5, 2024) – This week, Governor Laura Kelly signed bills into law including SN360, SB 331, SB 362, SB 381, SB 433, SB 491, HB 2590, HB 2604, HB 2605, HB 2632, HB 2661 and HB 2783.
(April 5, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate began working through conference committee reports.
(April 5, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate Health conferees met to reopen the previously agreed-upon version of the Conference Committee Report of SB 287.
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