(Feb. 23, 2024) – Next week, the legislature will return on Wednesday, when committees will continue hearings on bills exempt from legislative timelines and legislation that has made its way from its chamber of origin. Budget committees will continue report-outs as they look to start the process of assembling the House and Senate positions on the state budget.
(Feb. 23, 2024) – SB 521, SB 527, HB 2804, HB 2805, HB 2809, HB 2810, HB 2811, HB 2813, HB 2814
Today, the House and Senate worked bills in their chambers of origin.
(Feb. 20, 2024) - The Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Services finalized recommendations for the KDHE budget.
(Feb. 20, 2024) - The House failed to override the Governor's veto on HB 2284.
(Feb. 20, 2024) - The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held hearings and worked several bills today.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Services worked budgets today.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - Several House committees met today to consider bills.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 491 today.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee heard and worked several bills.