Capitol Comments Articles

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(Mar. 28, 2024) – Last night the House of Representatives took action on H. Sub for H. Sub for SB 96.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the House or Representatives took final votes on HB 2653, HB 2834, H. Sub for SB 37 and H. Sub for SB 300. The chamber debated SB 414 and Sub. for Sub for SB 96 SB 430.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the Senate took final votes on HB 2547, HB 2648 and HB 2690. The Senate also debated, SB 553, HB 2358, HB 2754, HB 2614, HB 2711, S. SUB for HB 2436, HB 2784 and HB 2570.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the House passed the Conference Committee Report on SB 233.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the House passed tax reform on a vote of 123-0 in H. Sub for SB 300.
(Mar. 26, 2024) – Today, both the House and Senate debated bills before them. Among them were HB 2825, HB 2834, House Sub. for House Sub. for SB 96, HB 2510, SB 384, SB 434, House Sub. for SB 287 and House Sub. for SB 143.
(Mar. 26, 2024) –Today, the Senate is slated to debate the following, among their work before them: HB 2483, HB 2690, HB 2715, HB 2547, HB 2754, SB 488, HB 2749, HB 2484, and HB 2353.
(Mar. 26, 2024) – Today, conferees that include the chair, vice-chair and ranking minority members from both health committees discussed SB 233.
(Mar. 26, 2024) – Today, the Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee added language requiring each utilization review entity to implement and maintain a prior authorization application surface, in compliance with federal law, by Jan. 1, 2028.
(Mar. 25, 2024) – Today, both the House and Senate debated bills before them including, HB 2510, SB 384, SB 434, SB 433, House Sub. for SB 287, House Sub. for 143, SB 488, HB 2749, HB 2484 and HB 2353.
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