Capitol Comments Articles

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(Jan. 19, 2024) – SB 351, SB 352, SB 353, SB 354, SB 355, SB, 374, HB 2515, HB 2536, HB 2539, HB 2547, HB 2548, HB 2555 and HB 2556
(Jan. 18, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee, chaired by Senator Beverly Gossage (R-Eudora), heard from the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services regarding the Intellectual / Developmental Disability Waiver Program list.
(Jan. 18, 2024) – Today, guests recognized for the survival and investments in cancer prevention and recovery in Kansas visited the statehouse and chamber floors.
(Jan. 18, 2024) – The tax compromise bill contained in House Bill 2284 is the compromise tax plan worked on early in session between House and Senate Tax Committee leaders.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development met for the first time this session.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Social Services Budget Committee heard from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment on their budget enhancements that are included in the governor's 2024 budget proposal.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee heard the introduction of bills, a presentation on palliative care and an overview of 2024 legislative priorities.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance committee heard from Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the governor's Medicaid expansion bills were introduced to the House Appropriations and Senate Ways and Means committees.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the Legislative Post Audit Committee elected new leadership and heard an overview of information systems for state agencies and school districts.
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