Capitol Comments Articles

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(Mar. 19, 2024) – Today, the Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee held a hearing on SB 553.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives worked the House budget bill, Substitute for HB 2273.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – Today, was the first conference committee between the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee and the House Health and Human Services Committee. The committee discussed the differences in the House and Senate positions on SB 233.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – SB 554, SB 555
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the House Insurance Committee held a hearing on HB 2825.
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held hearings on HB 2484 and HB 2578 and worked HB 2777.
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee held a hearing on House Bill 2358.
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee brought up HB 2793.
(Mar. 15, 2024) – Late last night, the Senate took votes on several tax bills before them, including HB 2465, Sub. for SB 60, Sub. for HB 2036, SB 484, SB 480, SB 311, SB 498, SB 482 and SB 539.
(Mar. 15, 2024) – Today, the Joint Rules and Regulations Committee heard changes to administrative rules and regulations from several agencies, including the Kansas Department of Labor.
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